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casts=Saoirse Ronan;
User Rating=8 of 10 star;
abstract=Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms;
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They are adorable together! Jo and i would have gotten along well. Shes free spirited like me. She also had good taste in men. The reason we all prefer Laurie is that the Professor is not well-developed in the book. I thought that in this version, the writing of the Professor story was better but the actor did not have expressive enough eyes or vulnerability, so I felt Meh about the Professor. I am still waiting for a version which gives Professor Baer his due as a refugee from the German revolution of 1848 - inspired by the romantic and democratic ideals that fueled it. Surely that would have appealed to Jo with her sense of romance and adventure.
Amy was definitely the standout in 2019's Little Women. Florence Pugh's performance was the first time I really liked Amy. I wish you had included the PBS 2017/2018 Miniseries, but I understand why you didn't. I feel like it bridges the gap between '94 and '19 and because of that, it doesn't come across as particularly unique. I loved it though and it had my favorite portrayals of Marmie, Mr. March, Laurie, John Brooke, and Professor Bhaer. It was also the only adaptation that I can remember that showed Aunt March meddling with Meg's engagement. I think the miniseries was the most accurate adaptation of the book, but it wasn't as flashy as some of the others. (Also, the miniseries' Amy wasn't the best...
Joe and Laurie Anne and Gilbert Noah and Allie Why do so many of my favorite couples have this same issue 😭. The largest selection of HD movies on demand - updated daily. Their hair is making them look like sisters. Black Widow starring 2020 Oscar nominees Scarlet Johansson and Florence Pugh. Little women (2019.
I love the vibes, I hope I can love the new version, because I really love the story hehe yeah I'm a simple human. Where is Emma? I wanna see them all together. Their delivery is so spot on, and her accent never wavers. i fully thought she was american until i heard her speak with her normal accent! i love them so much 🥺. “Watching the NFL Awards is like watching the Oscars, if the Oscars nominated black people!” - C. OBrien (2016.
Timothée is hot and cute at the same time. No cap. Mulherin's stock has a beta of 1.23. They all fake too me 😂😂😂👋🏾.
I smell OSCARS. 🏆.
I loved this film.
Whoever considers this a girl's film has nothing to share of value. "Little Women" speaks to everybody!
I thought for a moment in the beginning of the film that it spoke for families of moderate privilege, but it soon becomes clear that whatever advantages exist for this family, they share with those who have less. In fact they share with those who have more, who quickly recognize the value and are moved by it. The needed, warming heat coming this family emanates from a deep well of generosity which informs thought and feeling of all the sisters in the story. When their mother isn't there, they attempt to aim at her example - when she is there, she exhorts them to aim for their long serving, long absent father's example. The core of individual character is central.
When the film was over, I noticed that nobody in the packed LA theater clapped, as they do with many good films. There was silence - Interestingly, nobody moved for several minutes. I felt that everyone was just absorbing the experience and didn't want it to end. People were chatting loudly about it in the lobby and it made me wonder what the effect really was. I had never heard so many people speak of reading, or never quite finishing the book after watching a film. It had a measurable impact.
For me, I felt that the film defined something important - the target-ideal of American family, of successful parenting, of practical economics, individual honesty, important values and aspirational identity, all of which are all vital and current, in our world today.
That silence after the film felt like a bit of a communal shock - that such a simple story about young women struggling to grow up together in postcard-pretty, late 19th century New England could feel so tremendously moving and emotional.
Please, make yourself feel better - see the film.
Aww, when this scene was sad. Totally not prepared for the scene with Saoirse and Timothée.
That's how long ago it was. lol Such a child. When she was a kid was very, very recently.
Could you pls upload a scene with daisy and demi? Thx.